Tuesday, October 1, 2013

What's a Cubit?

Because God had become dissatisfied with mankind, he decided he would wipe them out with a flood in order to start anew. He warned Noah of the impending flood and so told him to build an ark for him and his family to endure the flood. He also instructed him to take with him a male and female of each type of living animal. Once they had all boarded the ark, the earth flooded with rain for forty days and nights. After several months, Noah sent out a dove to search for dry land and it eventually came back with an olive branch, meaning that the bird had found land. God then told Noah and his family that they could leave the ark and let the animals roam the Earth once more to repopulate it. He also promised to never wipe out the Earth with a flood again. (For the more comical version, please see link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bputeFGXEjA

I sure am glad that Noah was commanded to bring all the animals with him on the ark because otherwise we would not have the stupendous red panda. My fascination with these adorable creatures started with a sixth grade field trip to the Cincinnati Zoo, where I first encountered them. I mean just look how precious: As for the whole fire and ice question, I sure hope the world ends in ice, seeing as how I'm an all-around cold weather person. I shall die happy with all my coats and scarves and gloves on.

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