Tuesday, October 8, 2013

There's Being in Love and then There's Being A Huge Creeper and Pygmalion is the Latter

Pygmalion was a sculpter -- he was the happiest when he was working on one of his sculptures. Indeed, he was so into sculpting that he had vowed never to marry (either that, or no woman could suit him). One day he sculpted a beautiful woman who he named Galatea; she was so beautiful, in fact, that it made him question his vow never to marry. And because he was a creepy unmarried man who had fallen in love with a piece of stone, he started to treat her like his girlfriend, clothing her and giving her jewelry. During a festival to honor Aphrodite he went to the temple to pray for a woman "like his sculpture" for him to marry. And because it was so heartfelt Aphrodite decided to humor him and brought that sculpture to life. When he came back home from the festival he kissed the statue, without even knowing that Aphrodite (like who even does that wow) had brought her to life. So then the sculpture started kissing back and Pygmalion just rolled with the flow and they got married and had daughters.

Now, reading that I was judging Pygmalion pretty hard, but I have to reflect on that quickly for a moment. I would totally marry a fictional character brought to life -- that wouldn't be that weird for me (aside from the obvious weirdness, I mean that I would do it) -- but what I think is so gross about the Pygmalion story is that he fell in love with something that only had an appearance, and no personality, and then she was brought to life simply to love him. I feel for Galatea, I really do, because her whole existence revolves around Pygmalion and the fact that he couldn't keep himself together around a pretty face that he himself had created.

That said, the whole "what fictional character would you bring to life" question is crazy complex because how could I choose just one? There are so many characters that I love a lot, but I also think that I'd rather them not come to life just because I wish for it to be so. Because what if I brought one of them to life and then they didn't like me? Or we didn't get along? How would I feel if the only reason they were alive was because I wanted it to be? I mean, I really wouldn't want to have to put the character into that situation. I would probably prefer to talk to certain characters -- or more so in the vein of Pygmalion, I could talk to my characters from my webcomic? Though not at the same time, they'd probably spend the entire time bickering with each other. And Jaime (the main character who hasn't even been introduced yet) is actually someone I'd probably be friends with, so there's that. Now, having me go into a fictional world is an entirely different story, so let's not open that fangirling session.

1 comment:

  1. yes. yes. yes. thank you. yes again. gives you a standing ovation.
