Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Salt life

So there was this place that was awful, worst of the worst. Picture Las Vegas on steroids and heroine and you're almost close. Soddom and Gamorrah were despicable in the eyes of The Lord and so The Lord said to Abraham that he would destroy it. After Abraham painstakingly realized there was no one worth saving outside his brother lot and lot's family. After the angels visited lot and told him to leave the city that was soon to be destroyed, lot, his wife and daughters fled the city. Unfortunately lot's wife didn't obey the angels and looked back as suffer burned the entire city. Because she disobeyed she was turned into a pillar of salt and has been cursed to live the salt life since 4,000 bc. The story is concluded by a tale of intense date-rape incest between lot and each of his daughters. 

I don't find this story to be one of unfair punishment and nor do I find most punishment to be unfair. Regardless of ideology whether you believed mankind is trapped in perpetual sin or living in a never ending cycle of karma it is obvious that consequence exists. The student caught cheating despite knowing the rules will argue the injustice of the zero. The man guilty of triple murder  and  rape will fight against the cruel nature of the death penalty. I recognize that life is unfair. Birth is the greatest source of disparity. You're born: rich or poor, smart dumb, fest or slow, strong or weak and perhaps if birth is based on past life we're being punished through reincarnation. But I think rather, funds dried up and the disc delivery was clutch.

Lots wife is driving the ...

Do I smell s'mores?

Maybe not

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