Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Eros, you imbecile!

Daphne was the daughter of the river god, Peneus. She really wanted nothing to do with men or love or the sort, despite the fact that she was a beautiful nymph and men were constantly falling in love with her. Eros, being the little troublemaker that he is, decided to mess everything up for her one day, by shooting Apollo with one of his arrows, making him fall in love with Daphne. So Apollo went chasing after Daphne through the forest and before he could reach her, she prayed to her father, and being the majestic god that he was, he had the ability to transform. He morphed his daughter into a laurel tree so that she could avoid being pursued anymore. Apollo, saddened by her quite unfortunate transformation into a plant, took some of the laurel leaves to wear as a wreath on his head. The laurel wreath came to be known as one of Apollo's symbols, as well as a symbol for victory. Poor Daphne. I suppose she's happier now as a photosynthesizing plant.

I just so happen to have eternal youth! In a way.

So my birthday is on February 29th. Leap Day. Meaning that I have only had four birthdays. Ich bin vier Jahre alt. And I suppose that means that I will be a teenager until I am actually.. what, 80? Yea 80. I'm hoping this means I will always have a youthful spirit! Actually what I think that it means is that I will always have the desire to be a child. Like my fellow leap day baby on Modern Family, Cam, I'm always wishing that I didn't have to grow up. I really related to him when, on his "tenth" birthday, he went and had his party at a carnival like he was a little kid. I might have to steal that idea one day. But for now I have better things to focus on, like being a toddler. 

1 comment:

  1. No wonder you're so fabulous. How incredible to be 4! I loved being a mother to four year-olds.
