Tuesday, October 22, 2013

It's All Fun and Games Until Someone Gets Hurt

So Eros and Apollo were trash talking each other, as gods are wont to do, when Eros gets tired of Apollo's crap and shoots him with an arrow like, "haha sucker make fun of my shooting now." And because Eros was really tired of Apollo, he also shot the woman with an arrow to repel her from him. So Apollo fell in love with a nymph, the daughter of the river god Peneus -- who wanted absolutely nothing to do with marriage at all. Apollo was so completely infatuated with her and entitled that he chased her down, attempting to make her change her mind. Eventually he managed to tire her out, and as Apollo approached she begged her father to let the Earth swallow her or for her to change forms so that Apollo would not want her -- so he turned her into a laurel tree. So Apollo kissed her bark and promised her that since she could never be his wife, that her tree will always be his symbol, and so Apollo is often seen with laurel imagery about him.

 Greek gods have always known how to charm a woman, haven't they?

So here's my thoughts on eternal youth: it'd suck terribly if you were the only person with it. If everyone you loved was mortal, then they'd all just die. There'd be no family or friends or anything, they'd all just wither before you, and time would have no meaning anymore. Years for your friends would only be seconds for you in the span of everything. It'd be lonely and terrifying and absolutely not worth it in the least. However, like most people I can see how it could be interesting. You'd get to see so much, so much progress and you'd meet so many people. You'd get to meet so many different people and learn their stories and their lives and everything in the history of everything. But, like I said, this is also one of the reasons why it would suck so much. Because as soon as you learned about them and were close -POOF- they'd be gone. Over time I'm sure I'd be unable to learn anything new about anyone.

But then again, even if I had someone to share eternity with, I'd probably want to stab them through the eyeballs or least heavily ducktape their mouth before too long, like maybe half a century or so at most. So really, it's probably better that we all die. I mean, so long as we don't still have something to live for.

I wouldn't be against lengthening our lifespans though, if that's an option. That way everyone is still on an even playing field.

Music videos are weird. (Who Wants to Live Forever by Queen)

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