Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha (Genesis 18-19

Sodom and Gomorrah were two cities, and these two cities along with the cities Admah, Zeboim, and Bela were located on the Jordan River plain. Three angels visited Abraham and disguised themselves as men and went to observe the horrible things happening in Sodom and Gomorrha. God told Abraham, who begged him not to, he was going to destroy the cities. Abraham asked if he wouldn't destroy the cities if he got 50 righteous men to live there. God said yes. Abrahams nephew Lot met the two men at the gate of Sodom and took them in and fed them. People of Sodom came to Lots door and asked where the men were so they could have sex with them. Lot was cursed by the wickedness and offered the men his two daughters instead. The angels then blinded the people of Sodom and took Lot and his daughters to a new city. God burned the cities.

The harshness of punishment has many different levels. Punishment can be being put in time out for not making your bed to getting the death penalty. If you do something bad or wrong, you obviously are going to be punished for it, or at least supposed to be. Don't get me wrong, I do think some punishments are a little too harsh but I think people deserve a punishment and it should be based on the severity of their wrong doing.

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