Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Noah and the Flood

Noah and the Flood may be one of the most memorable stories in the bible. Everyone has heard of Noah's Ark. But the story behind Noah's Ark is actually much more in depth than one may think.

As the earth began to increase in population, God began to see something disheartening. Everyone on the earth had become evil-spirited. So, obviously, the only way to put an end to this is for God to flood the entire earth, killing everyone. There was one man though, who happened to be the only trustworthy man left on earth. His name was, you guessed it, Noah. God called onto Noah to build an ark that could hold two of every animal, him, and his family. He did so, and once it was built, God actually flooded the entire earth. First it rained for, if my math is right, forty days. Then, once again relying on my head calculator, it flooded for a hundred and fifty days. Noah then waited for the earth to dry out completely, sending birds to see if it had. Finally, Noah, his family and the animals exited the ark. God then made a covenant with Noah and the human race to never destroy life on earth again. This is supposedly what God is reminding us of when we have rainbows. Apparently, the point of God flooding the earth was to wash away the wickedness and sin that had plagued earth. Needless to say, this was not the most efficient way, nor was it very effective. But, for the sake of the story, it was important plot development.

An animal that fascinates me is the rhino. I think the main reason it fascinates me is it's prehistoric look. It amazes me that it has not yet become extinct and reminds me of the dinosaurs that once inhabited earth.

I think the earth will end in ice. It is said that in due time, the sun will explode. This means we will have no sun. Without sun we will have no heat. And without heat we will be frozen. So, if the explosion of the sun does not wipe the earth out completely, I believe it will freeze over.

Rhino vs. Triceratops... Eerily similar, right?

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