Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pygmalion and Galatea

The story goes that Pygmalion was judgmental, and found problems with every woman he courted. He is so depressed that he decides to create a sculpture of ivory, and when he completes it he finds that it is the most gorgeous woman he has ever seen and decides that nothing will ever surpass its beauty.

So, Pygmalion does what any lonely man would do, he dresses the statue in women's clothing, names it Galatea, and falls in love with it. Pygmalion then prays to Aphrodite and asks her to make him a woman just like the ivory maiden. Aphrodite, upon hearing his request, says "Hey, this guy loves a statue and is definitely not at all crazy, so I'm going to make the statue real for him".

Pygmalion goes home that day and is all like, "Whaddup Galatea, you lookin fine today! Wow, your skin is so smooth, I swear you don't even age! Galatea, let me tell you somethin you are a stone cold fox." And then Pygmalion was like "Galatea looks so good today, I should just kiss her right on the lips. No no I shouldn't do that, that's crazy." And then Pygmalion looks at Galatea, checkin her out. "She does look good today, though", Pygmalion thinks. So then he's like "what the hell" and goes in for the kiss, because that's what normal people do. Then Pygmalion realizes that Galatea kissed him back, and right before his very eyes, she becomes alive, and the two live happily ever after?

If I could bring one character to life it would be Ferris Bueller. He's so laid back and carefree and I feel like he could teach me a lot about life. We would be awesome friends and sing Twist and Shout together in the hallway every day. 

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