Tuesday, October 8, 2013

its past my bedtime so im not bothering with grammar or a title and you can deal with it

i promised people id continue with my whole ~alliteration~ thing but im late for my nap and so screw it im just throwin out whatev comes to mind

so pygmalion is this dude who's all dumb with his dating choices in life and never finds the right woman and so like every lonely guy he goes out and gets the ancient greek version of a blow up doll (aka an elaborate sculpture of a gorgeous woman carved with incredible love and devotion by pygmalion himself) and then voila ms. blow up doll becomes real and his statue-turned-real-lady becomes his wife named galatea?????? really kind of freaky but whatever...... not sure id marry a woman made of rock (actually im not sure id marry a woman but thats beside the point.) also really big flashing MISOGYNY ALERT in this story like??? oh my god. the story is all about how these women he dates are so terrible and then he like hand creates a scultpure with intense sex appeal which becomes real and is his wife and its like this is literal objectification of women what even bro not cool
[i had a big long rant about """""nice guys""""" and slut shaming here but i figured nobody would read it so i cut it ur welcome friends but you should seriously ask me about it because this story is so gross when it comes to those topics]

okay so making a fictional character real hmmmmmmm. well. tyler durden/protagonist from fight club. sure he's completely crazy and liable to get you killed but the guys got a lot of valuable insight into the whole carp dime thing (carpe diem? i think? idk) and theres no denying hed be a great friend to take to a party or something. dunno, probably id pick him or tock from the phantom tollbooth because hes a literal watchdog and hes clever and probably would be the greatest friend in the world

he's called tock but he goes tick (yeah don't ask him about it it's a sensitive subject)

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