Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Tower of Babel

The story goes that after some time had passed after the flood, the small amount of people that now remained on the earth all lived together, speaking the same language and having the same culture. When they came to Shinar, a place located within Mesopotamia, they built a giant tower to "reach the heavens" so that they could all live in one place and not be scattered around the earth. God did not like this as he had previously announced that his plans were for Noah's descendants to break up into tribes as they grew. Since god took this as a notion of defiance, he scattered the people of Babel around the world and gave them different languages and cultures.

I take Spanish and hope to one day be fluent in the language. However, though it is probably the most useful language that I could learn, I would really like to learn a language such as French or Italian. I think these are much more beautiful languages. Not to mention that my heritage can be traced back to France. I think it would be cool to speak the same language as my ancestors... they were probably pretty cool since they were my ancestors. But looking from a more practical viewpoint, there are many more Spanish speaking people in my day to day life, therefore Spanish is a much more logical choice for me if I actually intend on communicating with other people.

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