Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Destruction of Sodom and Gonorrhea

This story starts out with God going to visit Abraham. God said that the cities of Sodom and Gomorrha would be destroyed because they were both filled with sin, too much for God's liking. Abraham asked God to spare the city if 30 righteous men could be found, and God accepted. Meanwhile, two angels visited the city of Sodom, and Abraham's nephew, Lot, accepted them into his house. Lot fed them and took care of them. Eventually people of Sodom knocked on Lot's house and demanded to have sex with his guests (the angels). Lot offers the men his daughters instead, and so the angels decide to blind the whole city, and they move Lot and his family to a new city.

I don't believe in unfair punishment. I believe that if you do right and wrong comes your way, then if you keep doing right you'll be alright in the end.

1 comment:

  1. What am I to think about the platter of raw steak? Should I be disturbed?
