Tuesday, October 15, 2013


In this story the humans wanted to build a tower to get to heaven. This group of people was very close to each other, but as they ascended higher and higher, God got angry at their unity, so he cursed the population with the inability to understand each other. The tower fell, and got scattered the people around the world, each group formed their own language, but even so, there was still barrier between the connection of the group.

My next language is Spanish. I hate it. I studied it, it's hard, but I'm probably going to be required to study it in college. Even if I'm not required I will still probably take it, because it's a good skill to have. But as far as connecting with other people to make a huge difference on the world, I don't really have that drive to do it because I feel that certain cultures are stuck in their ways, especially America. I'd rather do what I love to do, and that does not include breaking language barriers.

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