Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Noah and the Flood

The story goes that God was displeased with the world, as it was filled with violence and horror-- not at all what he intended. So, God decided to go all Martin Scorsese on us and kill everybody off. Yet one remained. Noah was a good fella, and so God spared him and his family from being one of the departed. God told Noah to build a huge ark and put two of every animal on the boat so as to preserve the species. Noah didn't want to do it and he said "Nooooooooo-ah" and the Lord said "Noah" and then Noah said "Nooooooooooo-ah" and the Lord said "Noaaaah..." and then Noah said "Okay".

So Noah built the ark and gathered all the animals, and then God made it rain for 40 days and 40 nights. It killed every being that wasn't in the boat, and so the earth started a-fresh. When the earth was again dry Noah made an altar and presented sacrifices to honor God, and he was pleased and vowed never to throw down on the earth ever again.

I believe my favorite animal is the frog. I do not know why, but they fascinate me. I enjoy their bright colors and unique frames. I even like the ugly ones, because without the uggos we couldn't appreciate the cuties. Thanks Noah for gathering those frogs on the boat.

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