Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Welcome to the End of the World

The Earth was covered in wicked men, and that all of the humans only thought of their own selfish and evil desires. And this displeased God greatly -- rightfully so, since he'd made all of these losers only for them to go off and be imperfect and crap. So he was just about to hit the delete button, wipe them all out, when he found Noah, who was a good man, better than all the rest, and his family, Ham, Shem, and Japheth. To Noah God said he was going to destroy all of mankind except for him. And God told Noah to make a boat, out of gopher wood because that's easy to come by in large enough of quantities to fit every animal onto a boat made out of it. He gave Noah the specifications for the boat, and also instructed him to take two of each animal onto the boat with him, so that they could live on through these two creatures (I'm getting an awful lot of "wait, they're all descended from the same animals" thoughts, especially for the humans). So Noah did all of this and was able to survive the flood that God sent to wipe out humankind. So then after the Earth had dried up Noah and his family set up shop and got on with their lives. There's also this bit about Noah being a drunk old dude who got mad at his grandson for some reason but quite frankly that seemed like a big lipped alligator moment to me.

Since there are plenty of animals that fascinate me (what about dem humans, huh?) I think I'll answer the question I find the easiest. I know many people would want to wax philosophical about whether the world will end in fire or ice, and all the power to them should they want to; however, I also have to point out that, depending on your definition of "world" and barring some other major catastrophe before hands (which really is quite possible) the Earth is most likely going to end in fire. And I say that definitively because in about 5.5 billion years the sun will go supernova and expands past our orbit, swallowing the Earth in a firey death. Like I said, it's possible something will happen before then, in which case who knows, it might be ice. But regardless of the fact that we'll all be long gone and forgotten, the Earth will eventually be engulfed in the fireball that once sustained it. Wax philosophical on that, huh.

"You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're going to get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take the time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive. This is the year 5.5 slash Apple slash 26. Five billion years in your future. And this is the day— hold on. This is the day the sun expands. Welcome to the end of the world."

-The Doctor (ep 2, "The End of the World")

1 comment:

  1. The Doctor is always right! The quote makes it all perfect <3
