Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pygie and Gelatin

A sculptor, Pygmalion, was disappointed in all the women of his land. He found no favor in them. Therefore, he stayed in his home/workshop alone with just his creations. One night in a dream, Aphrodite, the goddess of Love, visits him. Remembering her image he builds a statue in her likeness. On the day of the festival for Aphrodite he goes to her alter with a sacrifice and prays that he may find a woman that looks just like his sculpture. He returns home, kisses the statue and instead of feeling cold, hard lips he feels a warm, soft touch on his lips. He kisses the statue again and it becomes fully alive. He marries this statue woman named Galatea.

If I could bring any character to life: I would bring Perseus Jackson. If he was real then that would mean we actually live in a world of gods and goddesses and monsters. I would be a demigod, son of Poseidon along with Percy. I would be totally cool and awesome. But I wouldn't be able to live a normal life and I would die by 16, so sad story!

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