Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pygmailion and galatea

Pygmalion couldn't find a women worth marrying. Instead of seeking out a perfect women, he decided to make a statue of the perfect woman. Pygmalion fell in love with the statue and called her Galatea. At the festivals of Aphrodite Pygmalion asked Aphrodite (goddess of love) for a lover such as the one he created. When he gets home he kisses the statue, and it turns into a real living human. He is happy.

I would bring no character to life. There's a reason that they are a character in a story and not a real person. They are a figment of the author's imagination, there are just as dynamic as the author created them. If I was really interested enough in a character I would seek out the character's creator instead of speculating about other aspects of their faux life. Keep the characters in the books.

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