Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Leatherback Turtle

God ordered Noah to take his sons and wife on the Arc with him along with pairs of every type of clean and unclean animal. Then for forty days and forty nights it rained killing every other thing that God had created. The earth stayed flooded for another 150 days. 

The type of animal that has almost always fascinated me is the critically endangered Leatherback Sea Turtle. Leatherbacks are the largest type of turtle and unlike other turtles, lacks a shell. Another thing that makes me like them is that they eat jellyfish. I thought I had always heard that they could live over 100 years but when researching it I could only find “30” or “50”. Really any type of sea animal fascinates me though. Another type of animal that I would love to get to see in real life are the deep sea fish that light up. 

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