Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha

The story of Sodom and Gomorrha begins with 3 angels coming to visit Abraham. 2 went to visit Sodom and Gomorrha and the other (the Lord) stayed with Abraham and told him that they were going to destroy the cities because they were full of evil people. Abraham convinced the Lord to spare the cities if 10 righteous people lived there. Lot was Abraham's nephew and he met the 2 angles in Sodom and fed them; then, the people of Sodom wanted to have sex with the angels disguised as men. Lot offered his daughters to the people instead. Lot's family fled the city, and then the Lord made in rain burning sulfur in both cities destroying everything.
The raining, burning sulfur from the Lord (Wikipedia.com)

Unfair punishment seems to be a common theme in my house (at least in my opinion). My little brother misbehaves constantly and directly disobeys my parents and receives little to no punishment. I don't clean up the kitchen after dinner and my dad yells at me for thirty minutes. Consistency of punishment also depends on the mood of my parents. When my mom has a headache or my dad has had a bad day at work, you do not want to do anything wrong because you will be excessively chastised. On a good day, both my parents can be relatively laid back when it comes to punishment; it all depends. On a much broader scale, society must suffer the consequences from mistakes of few bad seeds in our society. Terrorists have caused us to lose our privacy, school shooters have made it difficult to come in and out of school without checking in, etc. Punishment never seems to be fair, but life is not fair and we must learn to live with it.

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