Tuesday, October 15, 2013

God is So Fed Up With You Humans, Y'all Need Jesus

There was a time when all of humankind lived together and got along and knew each other. And because that's just a bit too perfect everything started going to their heads and they got cocky and decided to build a giant tower reaching all the way to the heavens. Since this would be encroaching too much on God's territory and he didn't like the fact that these little frickers that he'd put on the Earth were getting so full of themselves, he went down to them and scattered them across the Earth and made it so that there were multiple languages so that none of them could understand each other and, I dunno, reach their full potential because they were now stuck playing a large game of charades.

And that was how and why God created diversity: to punish us.

Now personally, while I understand how that was a punishment then, I also have to say that I love the differences in our languages across the Earth. Even if I can't understand other languages I can understand them as being nice or pretty or complex. That said, boy do I wish I could learn every language, but I'm pretty sure there's a limit to how many languages a person can learn (probably another one of God's punishments, I bet). So my favorites range from somewhat useful to wow you better move to the native country in terms of usefulness. I think that it's possible I might try learning Arabic in the future, and I've always thought that Russian (and other Slavic languages) are quite pretty -- and I might have a better chance of speaking it than some others. I also love some others, like Finnish (which is downright gorgeous) or maybe Hindi or something like that. But like I said, ideally I'd love to learn a ton of languages.

That being ideal because I have no real knack for languages. I can't even roll my /r/ when I speak in Spanish. I just stand there like "hola mis amigos, quietthehhuagnen comida? Tengo buttthirreaguaios"

(And this is just a demonstration of how pretty Finnish is through a song by a Finnish band I like, "Puhu äänellä jonka kuulen" by Happoradio. I mean come on the language sounds really pretty. And if that video doesn't work here's the link.)

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