Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Tower of Babel

At first glance, Genesis 11 looks like a simple story about God taking away the power of the people as they flocked together (safety in numbers?) and tried to build a huge tower.

BUT after the flood, God split Noah's descendants into 12 tribes, meaning for them to go and spread out and fill the earth. The people did not follow instructions and lived together in Babel. Next, the people decided to build a tower, which, in those times was viewed as a sinful act because it was seen as the people trying to ascend to God's power. Some historians argue that the tower was to protect themselves from another flood, and because God had already promised not to flood the earth again, building the tower was a sign that the people didn't trust God.

Either way, the people directly defied God's orders and seemingly turned their backs on Him, so God forced his plan into action. God just grabbed up 12 handfuls of people and sent them out in different directions with different languages, so they had to remain separate.

I'm done learning languages. While all the different languages in the world fascinate me and I think they're beautiful, I (to many people's dismay) just got burnt out on Spanish. I didn't enjoy the class and so I'm not taking it this year. Sorry

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