Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

Like most gods tend to act, Apollo was kind of an arrogant ass towards Eros. He claimed that Eros’s arrows did not have great power to them. He apparently found the authority to piss him off in this way because he was the god of archery. This made Eros angry, because shooting powerful arrows at people was kind of his job. So he shot a love arrow at Apollo that made him fall in love with a nymph named Daphne. Daphne was a carefree nymph that didn’t have time for guys because she was too busy being a carefree nymph. She did not respond too well to Apollo being in love with her. (Other sources say Eros shot her with a lead tipped arrow that made her hate and Apollo with a gold tipped arrow that made him love. That way there was no way for her to love him, and no way for him to stop loving her. Cruel. Effective. But cruel.) Anyways, when Apollo was chasing her she was like, “NO”, and she ran away from him. When it became apparent to her that she couldn’t escape him, because he was a god and all, she got her dad to help. He made her disappear and in the last place she was standing a laurel tree grew. Apollo took this as a symbol of her and swore to always wear a laurel wreath around his head to remember her. The Greeks followed suit.

As for me I’m stuck on the whole Tuck Everlasting thing. On the one hand, I love history and to be able to live through lifetimes of history, and see the future become the past would be amazing to me. On the other hand, high school makes me tired so I don’t think I could handle much more than one lifetime. I think I would like to live eternally if I didn’t have to watch the people I care about grow older than me and die. That’s doesn’t sound fun. I also think there is something special about growing old. If nothing else you can be cranky and hit people you pass with your cane, and they can’t do anything about it because you are old. I am looking forward to that. And how could I ever do that if I was eternally young?

Look. Its Apollo. Wearing a laurel wreath singing I Will Always Love You to himself.

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