Tuesday, October 15, 2013

United We Stand?

Apparently, that's not the case. At least if God has anything to say about it. Basically, some time after The Flood, all of the people of the world were united under one common language and one common location. Thus, feeling the need to come together as a single force and make a name for themselves, they were to build a city and a tower. With the tower touching the heavens, this city they wanted to build would only be the beginning because afterwards, they planned to disperse all over and populate the entire earth. However, God was not content with the people's ability to establish a city for themselves and sharing a common language for he feared that they could do the impossible and building a place for themselves would only be the beginning. Thus, God dispersed the people all over the face of the planet and confused the language of the earth, taking away the people's ability to communicate with one another, all out of his fear of what their capabilities would be as a unit.

Language has always been a powerful unifier, and for the most part, it's universal. There are many new languages I would like to learn, but, God knows I don't have time. Because I already know Spanish, I think the next two languages I would like to tackle are Italian and Portuguese. SInce both are Romance Languages, and very similar to Spanish, I think I could handle it. Greek would be fun to learn, but boy, that would be a tough one. All these people are throwing themselves out there saying they want to learn Japanese or Chinese, or they already know them, and all I can say is that if I even attempted either of those, my brain would ~probably~ implode. And I honestly believe that that is not an exaggeration. I could learn Russian, and considering mom knows it, it wouldn't be too terrible - I mean, the alphabet is the same as Bulgarian, so why not? But then again, when would I use it except to read books like A Clockwork Orange? Romanian looks incredibly interesting, and it's also a Romance Language. Guess I'm just attracted to those...it probably has something to do with how big of a sap I am. I've probably missed several huge and influential languages that I would eventually like to learn, but the above are all I can think of at the moment! Hopefully I'll learn them one day.

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