Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pymalion and Galatea

I am slightly weirded out by this story. It is said to be the greatest love story ever told, or one of them, but I think that’s kind of depressing. Basically there was this young guy named Pygmalion who, after becoming disgusted with some local prostitutes, lost interest in all women. He saw them (us) as vile creatures and vowed to never spend another minute of his time with them. So, in all of his free time not being around prostitutes, he decided to sculpt. His block of stone became a statue of a woman. A really, really beautiful woman. And so, even though it (sorry, she) was made of stone he fell in love with her. Like deeply in love. Like I’m-gonna-talk-to-a-statue-all-day-because-I-love-you, love. The Goddess of Love, Aphrodite, took pity on him after he prayed to her for a wife like his statue. So she brought the statue to life. Then they got married and had a kid and lived happily ever after. It’s weird.

Ok, one, he fell in love with a statue. That’s not normal. Two, and this is why I actually think this is depressing; he fell in love with some thing he created. He fell in love with an image, not with an actual person. And really, how can one of the greatest love stories told be about a guy that was so disgusted with women that he had to mold one to be something he liked, rather than accepting someone else, even if they were flawed? That says nothing about love.

If I could choose, I wouldn’t bring a character to life for life. If I were able to I would bring a different character to life everyday. Each morning I would choose a new character to learn from, or to go on an adventure with, or just to listen to. Today I would bring Sonny from The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel to life. I might actually bring him back to life more than once. Because he is amazing. He is optimistic, and slightly naïve, but also wonderful. His mantra is also my favorite quote, “Everything will be alright in the end, if it is not alright it is not yet the end.”  He is the perfect, cheerful person to bring alive right now for everyone deep in the swamps of college stress.  Also, watch the movie. It will make you happy.

That's him. Look at him, he's so happy.

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