Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Babel and language

In the story of the tower of Babel the world consisted of one single language. As people moved they discovered a land called Shinar and decided to build a city and a tower reaching to the heavens. God came down and saw them doing this and thought that they would be able to do anything if they could all speak the same language. So he decided to confuse the language so they couldn’t all communicate. The Lord then scattered them throughout the world.

By “your next language” I’m going to take it to mean the next language I want to learn and that would be Italian. After taking spanish since 7th grade I’d like to think I know a little and since it’s so similar to Italian I wouldn’t expect it to be incredibly difficult. I’ve always been fascinated with Italian culture and would love to experience Italy while being able to completely immerse myself in the culture.

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