Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Sodom and Gomorrah

God and Abraham sat down to talk and God was ranting about all the evil people. He decided that he was gonna wipe out these two awful cities - Sodom and Gomorrah. Abraham was like woah God, chill. What if there are good people? Turns out the only good people were Lot and his family. Some angels visited them and told them what was about to go down. Lot and his family ran away, but Lot's wife was too curious and stupid and looked back EVEN though they specifically told her not to. Soooo she turned to stone. Lot and his daughters then had some kids that were probably a little messed up thanks to the whole incest factor.

I honestly think that this was called for. Injustice and punishment are both things based on perspective, but it would venture to say that if we assert that we have not done the same thing as God then we would be pretentious ignorant fools. We have sacrificed many lives to rid the world of evil because we believed that it was worth it. Whether that was "right" or not, that's up to you but at least this God had the wherewithal to warn the few good people. I dunno, I just think it's part of life. And the sooner we can accept it, the sooner we can attempt to improve ourselves.

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