Tuesday, October 1, 2013

The Flood

Unfortunately for nearly the entire world, God became pretty unsatisfied with the evil nature of everyone, and took it upon himself to create a clean slate. Before his planned disaster, he talked to Noah and told him that he needed to build an ark for both his family and pairs of all the animals in the world to live on. So Noah did what God told him to, and in the end, he loaded an unbelievable number of animals onto his huge boat, and the flood began. It rained for "forty days and forty nights," as we always hear, and when it stopped, Noah sent out a dove. The dove returned, so Noah figured it couldn't land anywhere. He sent it out again, and it brought back an olive branch, so Noah knew plants were beginning to reemerge. When he sent it out the final time, it didn't return it all, so Noah docked the ark (is dock the right verb? If everything was washed away, that is?) and they unloaded. And then, of course, there was the beautiful rainbow that was God's promise to never destroy the world again.

Will the world end in fire or in ice? I honestly have no idea. I am not a fan of the cold, as much as I try to be; but then, I'm not really one for fire either. I suppose I'll hope for whichever one is faster, so that the end of the world is more of a flash and less drawn out. Ideally we won't have to encounter that, though; fingers crossed that we won't have to watch the world end, everyone!

Look! Look at this! I will always love rainbows.

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