Tuesday, October 8, 2013

I don't know anymore

A sculptor named Pygmalion was so horribly disgusted with prostitutes (maybe if they had been regulated by law to monitor the unlawful spread of STD’s and pimping this wouldn’t have happened) that he decided he would never marry. Instead, he sculpted the perfect woman and fell in love with her. Yes, a woman made purely out of stone. A woman he couldn’t talk to or have sex with or any of the things people usually do in normal relationships. He fell in love with her. So in love he bought her jewelry and clothes like she was a real woman. He wasted what must have been thousands of dollars’ (In U.S. currency) worth on a woman he couldn’t even sleep with. This must be the true dictionary definition of “desperate.”

Anyway, Pygmalion was so obsessed with this girl that he prayed to Aphrodite asking to find him a woman exactly like his statue. He was so desperate that even the gods felt bad for him. Aphrodite came up with a clever solution to stop Pygmalion from further bitching because I’m sure she must have been sick of it by then. When Pygmalion went home to kiss his sculpture, dubbed “Galatea,” Aphrodite animated her into a real person and they married and had babies and lived happily ever after.

This prompt was not for me. I’m surrounded by people who love Sherlock and Doctor Who and Harry Potter and whatever else and I knew this would be a fangirling moment but tbh I’m not interested in any of it. I don’t really wish one character was real; I just wish that stuff that happens in fiction could happen in real life. Like, I wish that I could raise Pokemon and go on adventures. I wish people with superpowers actually existed. I wish we had music for real life like in video games so whenever something really awesome is happening you know it because the up-tempo music starts and you just know it’s gonna be cool. Why am I writing this? I don’t know. I’m tired and I’m not writing a conclusion.

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