Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Moral of the Story: Be Nice to the Goddess of Love

Our story starts out with a group of ladies who were not, in fact, acting particularly lady-like; they were called the Propoetides, and they decided that it would be a fabulous life choice to deny the fact that Aphrodite was a goddess.
Naturally, Aphrodite was not amused.
So she took it upon herself to remove the sense of shame from the women, and they began to prostitute themselves. (Note to self: do not tick off Aphrodite.)
Enter Pygmalion! He's a guy who ran into the Propoetides and was completely disgusted by them, and he swore to have nothing to do with women for the rest of his life. Promptly after promising this to himself, he sculpted an ivory statue of his ideal lady-friend and almost immediately fell in love with her. (I feel like I should be vaguely creeped out by that, but it's honestly kinda sad to me that he swore that he'd never date anyone and then POW there's the perfect girl that he actually would love to marry but wait she's made of stone? Talk about major friendzoning.) After awhile, our boy Pygmalion prayed to Aphrodite that he would find someone like his statue, and she took it one step further for him. When he came home and kissed his statue (which I will say is quite creepy), he realized that she turned into a real person, thanks to Aphrodite. So then he married his statue, Galatea, and they had kids and yay for a happy Pygmalion!

-Entire population of the wizarding world minus Umbridge. of course. (especially Lily Evans and James Potter. Always Lily and James) 
-Jess Day, Nick Miller, ? Schmidt, Winston Bishop, and Cece Parekh of New Girl.
-The Doctor, Rose Tyler, Donna Noble, Amy Pond/Rory Williams
-Liesel Meminger and Rudy Steiner
-Jim Halpert. Actually the whole Office.
-Hazel Grace and Gus
(-canIsaymyowncharacters? IhopeIcanbecauseIlikethemalot. so...charley/annabel/will/logan.)
-ALSO LUSI'S CHARACTERS BECAUSE THEY'RE FAB. Kat and Sam and Skye and Colin...why can't I be friends with them in real life? Why can't Sam paint things for me for my birthday? Why can't I go to their lovely coffee shop?
I'm going to stop here, not because I've come to the end, but because if I don't stop now I'll be typing for the next forever and a half.

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