Tuesday, October 29, 2013

How Does Anyone Pull Homosexuality Being Wrong From This Story (It's Rape Y'all Nitwits)

Abraham was just minding his own business when the Lord appeared to him, and Abraham quickly went about getting a meal ready for him. He then dined with him, and the Lord told Abraham that his wife Sarah would be pregnant soon - which she laughed at because she was old and then the Lord was like "did you just laugh" and she freaked out and insisted that she didn't because you do not LAUGH at the Lord when he eats with you - and then they got onto the topic of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah, who God had deemed as wicked, and Abraham insisted that he musn't destroy the cities if there were upstanding citizens because that wouldn't be Godly (kudos to you Abraham for saying that and understanding it better than God himself). Actually that part went on like "and what if there are 30 righteous people, what would you do then God huh?" and "what about 20 God what about then?" but yeah.

So two angels went into Sodom and Gomorrah to check and see if it really was as wicked as they thought it was and guess what? It totally was. All of the citizens just wanted to rape the angels, and when Lot offered his virgin daughters instead they wouldn't take that, proving that Lot was alright in the eyes of the Lord - but what kind of man just offers up his daughters to be raped though huh? Anyway, God decides they all suck so the angels tell Lot and his two daughters and his wife to leave and never look back. So they all run away but Lot's wife turns around and looks at the city and turns into a pillar of salt because why not. So Lot and his daughters make it out of the city and also his daughters seduce him so that they can continue his line??? Like wow okay what a way to end that section.

I don't know how "unfair" it always is, but God seems to really like the whole punishment shtick. But history is full of unfair punishments. It really just depends on what your view of "unfair" is. I mean, being gay still has the death penalty in some countries. How fricken fair is that? And generally oppression can be seen as unfair punishment in general. A lot of the time through history there has been a punishment of sorts for the oppressed groups so that they'll stay oppressed. Which is pretty dang screwed up.

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