Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Tower of Babel

Contrary to popular belief, the Tower of Babel was never actually constructed. It was only an idea. As everyone spoke the same language, they were becoming very powerful fast. They had an idea to build a tower to the heavens so they may create a name for themselves. But God saw this, and immediately knew it must be stopped. God decided to scatter these people across the entire earth, and after doing so, decided to create languages for all of the different areas. In doing so, God prevented the people from becoming too powerful.

Thinking about God not doing this is a scary thought. If this obstacle had never been faced, think about how far we could have advanced. Right now could be a real life Jetson's. But seeing how self-destructive the human race is, I trust that God made the right decision in limiting our advancement as a civilization.

My next language to learn would be chinese, or, more specifically, mandarin. It seems as though the chinese are becoming more and more powerful, especially in the financial world. I plan to go into international business, and so if I learn mandarin it will allow me to be better fit for many international business jobs and hopefully will permit me to travel to China, which I have always dreamed of doing. Unfortunately, though, mandarin is said to be very difficult to learn. Almost everything about mandarin is different from english... From the way they form sentences to what words mean to how you pronounce sounds, it is overwhelming. But I am a quick learner, and hopefully it will come natural to me.

Mandarin alphabet (source)

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