Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Babel! Babel! Look at Me Now

The people of the world, who all seemed to be united at this point, came to a plain land in Shinar and decided to build a city there. Their city included a remarkable tower that supposedly stretched up to Heaven, which God did not seem to find as fantastic as they did. God looked at them and saw their future as being, for lack of a better term, too successful. He felt that after this Tower of Babel, they would have nowhere to go up, as they would succeed at anything they tried. Thus, by God's will, the Tower fell and the people were scattered and separated into groups with different languages, so that no one could understand each other any longer.

The Tower of Babel, Pieter Bruegel the Elder, 1563

I would very much love to be fluent in Spanish, which I intend to do either through minoring in Spanish in college or traveling abroad to a Spanish-speaking country. Or, you know, both. Ideally both. There is something remarkable to me about being able to communicate with someone in a language that is not my native language (and that might not be theirs, either, as was the case with the children I chatted with in Guatemala).
Fun fact: I'm trying to learn all the words to some of the songs we're singing in Spanish--just for kicks!--and I've been listening to "Somos el mundo" and some Juanes and David Bisbal all night long. It's not everyday I listen to almost exclusively music in Spanish!

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