Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Odysseus and the Trojan Horse

In the story of the Trojan Horse the Greeks and the Trojans were in the middle of the Trojan War. The Greeks decided to offer the Trojans a giant horse as a reward for the Trojans winning the war. The Trojans accepted the gift with open arms not realizing that the Greeks had an army hiding inside. When the Trojans brought in the gift they had a party that night and during that night the army snuck out of the horse and let in the rest of the Greeks. They ended up conquering the entire city of Troy. 

My dream journey would be to travel the world. I would want to start with some of the European countries that I’ve always dreamed of going to like Switzerland or Spain and work my way over to Asia. Mostly in Asia I would just want to see India, Japan, and China. Then I would somehow work my way to see Africa, Australia, and South America too.

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