Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Do the creep

Apollo was bragging about how much he pulls compared to Eros, so Eros shot apollo with a golden arrow to make him fall in love with Daphne. But he shot daphne with a lead arrow so she would never fall in love with apollo. Apollo turned into a huge creep and followed Daphne around everywhere. She finally went to the river Ladon to ask help from her father peneus. So her dad turned his own daughter into a Laurel tree. Apollo took his creepiness to the next level and made himself a laurel wreath from the tree. Now all the olympians wear laurel wreaths because of it.

I plan on being a kid forever. I always have so much energy and I have to keep moving or else I get bored. I can see myself as that over the top dad coaching his 5 year olds soccer team and screaming at all the kids not to bunch up. When my kid gets older, I plan on going to high school parties with him. Yeah I'm gonna be that dad that still lives in his glory days. My kid might hate me for reliving my past to when I was a youth but that sounds like a personal problem.

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