Tuesday, October 1, 2013

noah and the flood

God had become displeased with all the evil and violence in the world. He had become so angry that he wanted to wipe out all life from the Earth and start over again. God found the person who he was most pleased with, this man was Noah. God told Noah of his plan to flood the earth and wipe out all living things, He told Noah to make an ark and to fill it with 7 of every kind of clean animal and 2 of every kind of unclean animal along with his wife, his three sons and their wives. Noah did all the Lord asked him to do and built the ark and filled it with the animals. Then it began to rain and the waters flooded the Earth. It rained for 150 days before God remember Noah and the ark, he then stopped the rain. When the waters began to recede Noah sent out a dove to look for signs of life, the dove came back with nothing. After 7 days Noah sent out the Dove again, this time the dove game back with an olive branch. Noah and his family and all the animals exited the ark and began their new life. God was pleased with Noah's obedience and trust in Him and promised that he would never flood the earth again and created the rainbow as a sign of this covenant. Noah lived until he was 950.

My favorite animal is the elephant. Elephants are very social animals and form strong bonds, just like we do. Family is very important for elephants especially females, they spend their whole lives with their mothers and grandmothers. Elephants also respect their elders and their social hierarchy isn't based off aggression like most other animals but rather the oldest female is their leader. I like that they have trunks, it makes them unique and it is also interesting that they are not born knowing how to use their trunks, just like we are not born knowing how to use our muscles, it takes time to develop muscle memory that it takes to hold a pencil or twist something. One of my friends went to Laos and learned to train elephants and I am still very jealous of her.

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