Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Daphne and the Wreath

The story goes that after a long time of Apollo making fun of Eros, Eros got tired of Apollos crap and shot him with an arrow. But this was not just any arrow. The arrow made him fall in love with a nymph named Daphne (which wasn't so bad). The problem was that Eros also shot Daphne with an arrow that made her so that she would not want to have anything to do with Apollo, thus rejecting his love. Eventually after Daphne grew tired of her admirer chasing her, she called upon the help of her father, Peneus, who transformed her into a laurel tree in order to protect her from Apollo. But this did not change Apollo's feeling for her. He made a laurel wreath out of her trees and branches and wore it from then on.

Though it may be for some people, I do not view eternal youth as a great fortune or as a reward. Eternal youth would be a punishment. Though still at your peak in life for all of eternity, you are fated to sit and watch all of your loved ones die as you remain. You are required to start over with a completely new population of people every century or so, leaving no one person in your life as someone special to you as they are simply replaced later on. Not only are you forced to live with the pain of losing loved ones over and over again, but it never ends because you are never able to pass on. Life is a ephemeral and every second should be cherished. It should not be viewed as something that we have an unlimited supply of.

This is not to mention that if everyone was eternally youthful, the world would be overpopulated and none of us would even be able to live.

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