Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Destruction of Sodom and Gomhorra

Alright, so Genesis 18 starts with The Lord and two of his angels going to visit Abraham. God told him that he was gonna take a wrecking ball to the cities of Sodom and Gomhorra, which were the original Sin Cities, apparently. God said there were too many bad things going on there and he was just gonna start fresh.

So Abraham said to the Lord, "God, you're so awesome and nice. What if you can find 30 righteous people who live in these cities, will you spare them?" God got soft and said "Aw shucks Abraham I guess I can do that." Then Abraham knew he'd found a soft spot, and the barterer in him got God to go as low as ten people. If God found ten righteous people, he would save the cities.

Meanwhile, the two angels had visited Lot, Abraham's nephew, and stayed at his house. People there were going crazy though and asking to have sex with the men (??? what's going on there?) and eventually Lot is just exasperated and offers his own daughters to the men (?????? again, what?). And so then eventually Lot was told to leave the city because it was going to be destroyed. Lot takes his family and flees.

So in regards to the cities, God both saved and destroyed the Lot of them.

Unfair punishment is an outrage!! It all goes back to kindergarten... There was that one kid in everybody's class that would get in trouble and take away recess for the whole class. That's messed up. If you do the crime, you have to take the punishment, you shouldn't have to share it with your classmates who were probably looking forward to playing a nice game of tag that day. That's all I have to say about that.

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