Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Noah and the Flood

The story of Noah and the flood begins with God being very angry at mankind. Noah was the exception. God wasn't mad at Noah and told him to build a giant arc. He was told to bring his family and 2 of every living creature. After they all boarded the arc, God made it rain for forty days and night and caused a huge flood. The flood lasted for an entire year and everything not on the arc was destroyed. After the flood receded, Noah made an altar and worshipped God. God promised to never destroy living creatures again.

The animal that most fascinates me is the sloth. They are the most pitiful creatures in the world, but somehow stay alive. It is probably their camouflage. I doubt their speed can help them evade any predators. I love watching videos of these creatures because it looks like they are moving in slow motion, and I imagine what it would be like to move as fast as I possibly can and still be so slow. I believe the world will end in fire, because I do not think any flood will wipe out the entire human population. The Sun will explode and kill us all before a flood could do the same damage.

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