Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Noah was a man of God. He lived in the ways of The Lord but unfortunately the rest of the world did not. They were evil, sinned, and turned from God. So God got made a send this huge flood and drowned the whole world. Except Noah and his fam cuz he told them to build a huge wooden boat/ark. The animals they came on by twos and it rained for 40 days and nights. Then the dove went out, brought back a branch and Noah knew God had saved them. God sent a rainbow as a promise that he'd never flood the world and kill em all again.

Honestly, animals in general fascinate me. I want to know what it's like in their minds - do they have thought, do they really not understand emotion, is it all life or death? The questions never really stop for me - it would be an entirely different world. On the subject of the apocalypse, I don't really think it'll end in fire or ice or any kind of natural disaster. I think humanity will implode due to its own mistakes. But, if anyone cares to know, I'd rather die via fire. I never did enjoy the cold...

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