Monday, October 7, 2013

Wait, what?

I'm hoping I read the right story because this is just whack. According to what I read, there was this dude Pygmalion who was trying to find himself a wifey and he just couldn't find one that was his type. Finally he just was like, "these hos is trifflin'" and he gave up. He kinda came to hate the ladies because he was so frustrated. So he instead of peeling paper off of water bottles, he became a sculptor. In doing so, he created this one thing that was like his image of what he wanted his lady friend to be like and he spent so much time with it he fell in love with it and had to "lie with it" (hoping that doesn't mean what I feel like it means) just to keep himself in check that it wasn't real. So finally the guy went to the festival thing honoring Aphrodite and asked for a lady like the one he made. Aphrodite liked Pygmalion and she knew he really just wanted the lady he made so she went Pinocchio on his behind and turned his statue into a real girl. So when Pygmalion went home and kissed his statue "as was his custom" (weird) the statue kissed him back and they had a baby. 
Chuck Bass. If I could bring any character to life, it would be Chuck. I love Chuck with a passion, and even though he has a past, I don't care. He has grown, and he has matured, and he's wonderful, and I would love to be his Blair. There. I said it. And I'm not taking it back. 

1 comment:

  1. Olivia, if Chuck Bass were real (which I have made it my life goal that I will find him) imma have ta fight you for him.
