Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Tower of Babel

At this point in the Bible, all the people are living together in one city and all speak the same language. They are also trying to build a tower that reaches up to heaven; God didn't like this because humans were trying to build a stairway to heaven and have an easy way out. In order to stop this, God made different languages so people could not communicate with each other. Therefore, the construction on the tower was stopped because no instructions could be passed along. God also spread out people across the whole world instead of having them clumped in one big group.

Stairway to Heaven from "http://amightywind.com/heaven.html"

I have been studying Spanish for a large portion of my life and take AP Spanish this year. Before I move on to another language, I want to become completely fluent in Spanish. I would like to continue taking Spanish in college and possibly study abroad in a Spanish speaking country again. If I ever become good enough at Spanish to pass as a native speaker, I would like to try Chinese. Not only is it an incredibly useful language, but it is completely different than any language I have ever spoken. It would be fun to try and learn something so different than anything I am used to.

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