Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Pygmalion and Prongs

In mythology, Pygmalion was a sculptor from the island of Cyprus. One day, he sculpted a beautiful woman out of ivory whom he named Galatea and, weirdly, fell in love with. When the festival of Aphrodite came around, he was too embarrassed to admit he loved a statue, as he should be, and simply wished that there could be a human form of the statue's likeness. When he returned home, he kissed his statue, but she had come alive. And they lived haaaapppily eveeeeerrrr afteeeerrrrr!!!!!!

hoo boy this prompt was made for me. I shall try and save my ramblings about all my beloved characters that I wish could be real and just go ahead and say: James Potter. This would be a win-win because I would also be resurrecting him from the dead (as I would be doing with many of my other favorite characters). He would follow me around and be my personal friend slave, entertaining me with his quick wit and charm. We would be bros and go around pulling terrific pranks on people. We would also have the benefit of magic on our side. Also if we needed to make any quick escapes due to our rascal-ness, we could just gallop away into the sunset because, ya know, he's an animagus that can turn into a stag. We would have general great times. Also, I could go around defending him to everyone that thinks of him as merely an immature bully. Uneducated swine. These people tend to not realise that he was only SIXTEEN when that whole stupid thing went down with Snape. Everyone is stupid at that age. And then most people just choose to ignore how much he matured in the span of a year when he saved Snape's life when he almost unknowingly walked straight into Remus' transformation into a werewolf. And what was that other thing? Ah yes. He sacrificed his own life for his wife and son so that they might live. I cannot possibly understand how anyone could possibly hate this beautiful man. And here is a better representation than how he is portrayed at any point during the movies. I could have been cast as him and would have fit the role better.

Another benefit: he is absolutely brilliant.

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