Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Laurel Wreath

There was this pretty girl named Daphane. Her father was a river god. He was cool with her hanging out and not getting married yet cause he loved her. Well, up above on Mt Olympus, Apollo was trash talking Eros' puny love arrows. So Eros decided to shot Apollo with one to make him fall in love with Daphane. Apollo pursued Daphane to no avail - she always ran away. After some hard core creeping, Daphane decided enough was enough so she prayed to her father to turn her into a laurel tree. Right as Apollo was about to catch her, Daphane's wish was granted. Thus Apollo lost. But somehow he didn't see it that way, took some laurel branches from the tree and made it into a crown that today still represents victory.

Eternal youth sounds nice. Eternal youth with all my friends sounds a lot better. I wouldn't want to be left alone forever by my friends that kept growing up and dying without me. I also want people to take me seriously, something I have youth tends to deter. I guess if you asked me this again when I was older, I'd probably go for it. And I don't really want to grow up exactly, but I do think there is value in growing with the years, not just through them in a perpetual state of any kind.

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