Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Noah, thank you for saving the elephants

When most of the world had turned evil and away from God, he was not going to have it. He wanted to wipe out the evil with a giant flood. But he had a follower, named Noah who was good. Because he was good God allowed him to live and asked Noah to build a giant ark, not only for himself and his family, but also for all the animals. (This was so the evil died, but the animals would be able to repopulate after the flood.) I'm guessing because he was pretty happy to be saved and not drowned, Noah built the ark and brought a bunch of animals aboard. For forty days and forty nights torrential rains flooded the world and killed all of the evil. When it stopped Noah, the smart cookie that he was, sent out a dove and waited until the time that the dove didn't come back to get off of the ark. When they got off God promised never to destroy the world again. That was nice of him.

I am most glad that Noah saved the elephant. Why? Because elephants are amazing, majestic and just plain great creatures. One, they have giant ears. I mean really. Two, they have a trunk which they can communicate with and also drink with and pick things up with. It's multi purposeful. Three, they are happy creatures. Four, they have amazing memories. They can remember the way to old drinking holes from when they were child elephants. Five, they walk in lines sometimes and hold the tail of the one in front of them with their trunk. And that is just plain cute. (See picture for visual aid.) Six, they are one of the few animals capable of mourning. They hold funerals for their fellow deceased elephant friends. Seven and finally, they were used in battle in ancient India and just imagine that majestic creature running at you. You would surrender and you know it.  

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