Wednesday, October 2, 2013

A long, long time ago

A long, long, time ago in a paradigm beyond our own a God was angry. He wanted everyone dead. All but Noah and his family because they were the only ones following Him. So he had Noah build a huge boat, and fill it with two of every kind of animal. And this wasn't normal. For one thing it had never rained as far as theologians can tell. Instead mist rose from the ground instead of falling from the sky and so when a guy builds a huge boat in the middle of a desert he's gonna get some crazy looks. And it isn't like Noah wasn't like a crazy old guy. I mean let's face it. He's this guy building a boat, in the desert, it never rains, and he's doing it because some abstract greater power whispered in his ear that the "flood's a comin.'" but sure enough it did. So it rained for forty days and forty nights it rained. So much that the peaks of the mountains were covered by several feet of water. That's a he'll of a lot of water. And so they sat and they waited and waited and waited for the water to go down. Finally after like half a year the boat settled and they could get out and go about their lives as if it wasn't like they were the only 8 people on Earth. So God made this rainbow to symbolize that the rain will always end. He promised that he would only destroy the world by fire from then on. I'm not sure that I want that either but if you say so God who am I to argue against. 
As for how the earth will end my answer is simple. I don't care. I won't be here because I'll be dead either cause it's way far in the future, or because the world is ending for God's sake. I just figure whatever happens, has happened, or will happen is what is bound to happened, have happened, or happen. Sort Tralfamodorian I suppose but I think it's the best way to live. That things are entropic and are increasingly more so. I guess If I had to choose one way to fall I guess I'll choose zombies. I have always wanted some awesome crazy way for the world to end. 
A couple cool notes. There isn't enough room on the ark as it is designed in Genesis for the animals it housed the volume of the insect species alone far surpasses copacity. Also, Ark means box in hebrew. So Noah was in a giant box. He had 8 family people including himself. And so the cool thing about this is that the Japanese symbol for boat is actually eight people in a box. 

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