Tuesday, October 15, 2013


I think this is the only time I can use that as a title and it's actually relevant.

Okay so Babel. Humans get all uppity and try and build a tower up to heaven, God does that thing where he gets mad and he makes everyone speak a different language, suddenly nobody can understand each other, tower is abandoned and all languages are born. How nice.

I'm learning Japanese right now, and I've just barely started on French and Hebrew. I've got Spanish already done and hopefully in college I'll be able to study Arabic (as well as Farsi and Pashto, maybe Urdu??) as well as the others already mentioned, and maybe later in life if I've got the time I'll try my hand at Swedish and Icelandic. I want to be a foreign service officer so language proficiency is sort of a requirement, and given my preferred interest in the Middle East and North Africa those are the ideal languages. Except Japanese. Japanese is because I love it and it's actually easier to learn than Spanish was. So if all goes well by the time I'm old I'll have 9 languages (not gonna happen haha), but at the very least I'll have Arabic and Hebrew.

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