Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Destruction of Sodom and Gomorrha

In this story, two kingdoms existed that were viewed as centers of sin. These kingdoms were Sodom and Gomorrha and consisted of Admah, Zeboim, and Bela. God sent angels to investigate the cities and discovered the wickedness and sin that was occurring within the kingdoms. God told Abraham that he planned on destroying the cities. Abraham then bargained with god so that he would not destroy the cities if even 10 people could be found within them that was faithful to God. When two angels visited the city of Sodom to find the 10 faithful men, they went to stay at Abraham's nephew, Lot's house. All of the men of the city surrounded the house and attempted to have sex with the angels that were staying there. Lot gave them his two virgin daughters instead of the angels. The angels led Lot and his family out of the city as God rained fire on the kingdoms and destroyed everything within the city limits. Lot's wife looked back at the cities after she had been told not to and turned into a pillar of salt.

I would not necessarily classify this situation as an unfair punishment, as the cities were overwhelmed by evil. I do not consider myself to be a religious person, but if any place deserved a punishment like this, it was the kingdoms of Sodom and Gomorrha. Unfair punishment has been a huge problem throughout the ages, but not in this case. However, much unfair punishment has been brought on because of this story. Many people associate the idea of homosexuality being a sin with this story... and because of that, homosexuals have been persecuted around the world for years and unfairly punished in many ways, including being executed

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