Tuesday, October 15, 2013

The Tower of Babel

In Genesis 11, the story of the Tower of Babel is told. Everyone on earth at this time had the same language. A group of people wanted to build city with a tower that would be able to reach heaven. God feared that this stairway to heaven would make the people grow farther from him. So, to prevent this from happening, god made them all speak different languages so they could no longer communicate with each other. He then scattered the people with the different languages all over the world.

As much as I would love to be able to speak in different languages, I want to talk about this personal stairway to heaven. By stairway to heaven, I mean have a place I could go that's similar to heaven. There would be no worries, everyone would be calm and relaxed, and I would get to spend quality time with God. I would want my personal stairway to heaven to be available whenever I just need a break from reality, even though this stairway to heaven already kind of exists with prayer. But how awesome would it be to be having a horrible day and be able to just open a door and escape reality for a few hours? Million dollar idea right there.

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