Tuesday, October 8, 2013

pygmalion and galatea

Pygmalion, the mythical king of Cyprus, had very bad luck with women and could never seem to find one that the liked in the least. There was always something wrong with the women that he went on dates with; some were too ugly, some were too rude, none were ever good enough. Pygmalion became so frustrated that he started to despise women and quit dating all together. Pygmalion was a master sculptor, so, putting his talents to use he sculpted himself a women out of ivory and named her Galatea. The ivory maiden he had sculpted was so beautiful and perfect that no living women could compare to her. Pygmalion loved the ivory maiden and dressed her in the finest clothes and jewels just as if she was real. At the festival of Aphrodite Pygmalion prayed to the gods that he could have a wife like the ivory maiden but Aphrodite knew what he really meant and when he got home and Galatea, she kissed him right back. Pygmalion was so thankful and the gods blessed Pygmalion and Galatea with a son whom they named Paphos.

If I could have any "character" come to life it would not be a character from a book or movie but rather my unicorn pillow pet. Seriously who wouldn't want a miniature purple and pink unicorn as a pet? It would be like having a dog but better because it is a unicorn. When my unicorn came to life I would want it to stay as soft an squishy as it is now because I don't think cuddling with  it would be as enjoyable if it wasn't. I would also want its horn to remain soft and squishy so it wouldn't stab me.

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