Tuesday, October 1, 2013

bring fire to the rain

God was very disappointed in the creatures and man of the Earth. He saw that "the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. But God saw favor in one man and his family, and that man was Noah. So God instructed Noah on how to build this great Ark, for God was going to "drown" the Earth and cleanse it of all its impurities. Once Noah had constructed the Ark, God brought a pair of every animal, male and female, onto the Ark so that they could continue to live and reproduce. Some sources tend to think of Noah as a second.

Some animals they fascinate me are: White Tigers, Dolphins, Jaguars, and Ligers. Iplan to own one of each of these animals during my lifetime because I love all of them so much. But if I could only have one; I would choose the White Tiger, because they are so majestic. And how cool would it be to say. "Hey! You wanna come check out my White Tiger his name is Rick?" Like I would feel like a total BAMF.
The world will end by fire, it says it in Revelations the last book of the Bible.

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