Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Daphne and the Laurel Wreath

So Apollo was challenging the power Eros's bows possessed and Eros got angry at Apollo for the constant ridicule. Eros made two arrows: a gold tipped one granting everlasting lust to anyone hit by it, and a lead tipped one granting everlasting hate to anyone hit by it. Eros hit Apollo with the gold tipped arrow, and then she used the other arrow to hit the girl that Apollo was chasing after, Daphne. Apollo chased after Daphne, and Daphne was disgusted and angry. Daphne couldn't escape Apollo, and so she asked her Dad to transform her into a tree so that she didn't have to deal with Apollo. She was transformed into a Laurel tree, and Apollo found the tree and made a wreath out of the leaves and branches. He wore this on his head and swore to never take it off and said that the leaves will stay green forever. Eternally youthful.

Eternal youth had been sought by men for ages. I don't think anyone deserves eternal youth. I think that you live as long as you are destined to be. An eternally youthful individual may easily use his powers of hindsight to alter the course of the world to satisfy his desires. And I don't think that anyone should live that long to figure out the mysteries of the world. Ultimately, this person probably could see the demise and destruction our Earth is heading to, and while they may be able to change the world for the good. More likely, they will watch our world collapse in grief and loneliness.

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